December 11, 2024
Hospital Analyze > Patient Population > CMS Payer Mix - Distinct Patients - Inpatient and Outpatient Breakout tables (Chart View Off)
What: New Inpatient and Outpatient CMS Payer Mix tables
Why: Understanding the payer mix for each setting helps healthcare organizations identify opportunities to balance or optimize revenue streams.
December 12, 2024
Q2 2024 Data is now available!
Marketscape Insights has been updated with Q2 2024 Medicare Part A and B Fee-for-Service claims data, along with updated Medicaid, Medicare Advantage, and commercial data. Users may see shifts in certain metrics because of these updates. This is a great time to perform competitive analysis and evaluate market share.
November 26, 2024
Updated all charts and grids throughout the product with the oldest data on the left and the newest on the right
Why: Enhanced user experience by displaying data in a consistent format
Improve SSO User Login
What: Redirect SSO users to a new login screen when SSO users request a password reset
Why: Improved user experience
Admin > Modify temporary password generation to permanent password generation
What: Users will receive an updated permanent password versus the previous temporary password that doesn’t allow users to request a new password more than once
Why: Improved user experience
November 15, 2024
Facilities Upgrade!: An upgraded package that enables users to target Hospitals, Skilled Nursing, Home Health Agencies, Hospice, and Assisted Living/Long Term Care facilities for referrals! Understand the volume of patients that need your products and services from each facility that could refer to you and who they are referring to today!
Explore > Hospitals > New Code Set Filter and 'Code Set Received: 0-30 Days Post Discharge - Patient Count' metric
What: The Code Set filter allows users to narrow and sort the search results with the most patients leaving the hospital and receiving the products in your code sets
Why: Allow users to target hospitals for referrals by understanding the volume of patients leaving that hospital and receiving the products in your code sets
Analyze > Hospitals > New Order Share tab with two new tables
What: The new 'Order Share: 0-30 Days Post Discharge' table shows the organizations fulfilling the orders after being discharged from the hospital within a code set. Use the place of service filter to narrow the results to organizations fulfilling the orders at a specified place of service.
Why: Allow users to understand hospital referral relationships to organizations after discharge for the selected code set
What: New 'Service Location by Code Set: 0-30 Days Post Discharge' table shows where the claim on the code set took place (place of service on a professional claim and service location on an institutional claim)
Why: Allow users to understand where claims are happening within each code set because many infusion users are looking to drive business to home and clinic infusion centers.
Explore > Hospitals > New Metric: Annual Total Patient Count (All Payers)
What: Count of distinct patients discharged from the hospital during the most recent 12 months of data for all payers
Why: Allow users to understand the total volume of patients at the hospital
Explore > Hospitals > New Filter: Claim Type
What: Added new Claim Type filter to Hospital explore page to allow users to filter out Inpatient or Outpatient claim types
Why: Enhanced user experience to narrow the results of interest
Explore > Skilled Nursing > New Code Set Filter and 'Code Set Received: SNF Admit to 30 Days Post Discharge - Patient Count' metric
What: The Code Set filter allows users to narrow and sort the search results with the most patients receiving the products in your code sets anytime from skilled nursing admission to 30 days post discharge from the SNF
Why: Allow users to target SNF's for referrals by understanding the volume of patients receiving the products in your code sets anytime from the start of SNF care to 30 days post-discharge from the SNF
Analyze > Skilled Nursing > New Order Share tab with two new tables
What: New 'Order Share: SNF Admit to 30 Days Post Discharge' table shows the organizations fulfilling the orders after being admitted to an SNF until 30 days post discharge from the SNF within a code set. Use the place of service filter to narrow the results to organizations fulfilling the orders at a specified place of service.
Why: Allow users to understand SNF referral relationships to organizations for the selected code set
What: New 'Service Location by Code Set: 0-30 Days Post Discharge' table shows where the claim on the code set took place (place of service on a professional claim and service location on an institutional claim)
Why: Allow users to understand where claims are happening within each code set because many infusion users are looking to drive business to home and clinic infusion centers.
Explore > Skilled Nursing > New Metric: Annual Total Patient Count (All Payers)
What: Count of distinct patients admitted to the skilled nursing facility during the most recent 12 months of data for all payers
Why: Allow users to understand the total volume of patients at the SNF
Explore > Home Health > New Code Set Filter and 'Code Set Received: HHA Admit to 30 Days Post Discharge - Patient Count' metric
What: New 'Order Share: HHA Admit to 30 Days Post Discharge' table shows the organizations fulfilling the orders after being admitted to an HHA until 30 days post discharge from the HHA within a code set. Use the place of service filter to narrow the results to organizations fulfilling the orders at a specified place of service.
Why: Target HHA's for referrals by understanding the volume of patients receiving the products in your code sets anytime from the start of HHA care to 30 days post-discharge from the HHA
Analyze > Home Health > New Order Share Tab with two new tables
What: New 'Order Share: HHA Admit to 30 Days Post Discharge' table shows the organizations fulfilling the orders after being admitted to an HHA until 30 days post discharge from the HHA within a code set. Use the place of service filter to narrow the results to organizations fulfilling the orders at a specified place of service.
Why: Understand HHA referral relationships to organizations for the selected code set
What: New 'Service Location by Code Set: 0-30 Days Post Discharge' table shows where the claim on the code set took place (place of service on a professional claim and service location on an institutional claim)
Why: Understand where claims happen within each code set because many infusion users want to drive business to home and clinic infusion centers.
Explore > Home Health > New Metric: Annual Total Patient Count (All Payers)
What: Count of distinct patients admitted to the home health agency during the most recent 12 months of data for all payers
Why: Understand the total volume of patients at the HHA
Explore > Hospice > New Metric: Annual Total Patient Count (All Payers)
What: Count of distinct patients admitted to the hospice agency during the most recent 12 months of data for all payers
Why: Understand the total volume of patients at the hospice agency
Market Evaluation Updates!
New 3-Digit ZIP Report!
What: Evaluate market share more granularly by selecting one or many 3-digit ZIP locations. Location selections are aggregated and users can cross state lines! Click on the state letters to see a reference image with the 3-digit ZIP locations to choose from. Hover your mouse over the image for an automatic 2X zoom, use the wheel of your mouse to zoom in up to 10X, and click on the image to freeze your view.
Why: For more targeted analysis, allow users to evaluate market share at a more granular patient location than the previous state option.
National Benchmarks Table
What: Added a new table called 'National Claim Counts by Payer Type'
Why: Understand national trends for the selected code set broken out by payer type
Why: Allow users to understand national trends for the selected code set broken out by payer type Favorites, Targets and Assignments
What: Users can select a Physician or Organization and assign them to a user, or add to their favorites and target lists directly from the Market Evaluation page.
Why: Enhanced user experience for quickly adding targets to your various lists.
Location Label
What: Identifier above each table on the Market Evaluation page that displays the custom 3-digit ZIP location selection with export features.
Why: Enhanced visibility to clearly understand the data you are evaluating.
Percentage and Totals on 'Billing Entities by Code Set by Patient Location', and 'Physicians by Code Set by Patient Location' Tables
What: New total claim count and percentage of claims metrics for the selected market and code set for Billing Entities and Physicians
Why: Quickly understand the market share by the percentage of claims and the number of total claims for the selected market and code set
NPI Information on 'Billing Entities by Code Set by Patient Location', and 'Physicians by Code Set by Patient Location' Tables
What: Added NPI Street Address, City, County, State, and ZIP information for each NPI listed on the table
Why: Quickly understand where a Physician or Organization NPI is registered directly on the Market Evaluation page
October 2, 2024
Explore > Billing Organizations > Assigned Users Filter
What: Added an assigned users filter to the Organization Explore page
Why: Allow users to filter easily to the organization's reps are assigned to
Admin > Manage Users > Bulk User Import > Include Code Sets
What: Allow users to bulk upload code set assignments with each user when using the bulk upload feature
Why: Streamline admin workflow
Performance Improvements > Planned maintenance that enhanced the solution's performance, improved user experience, and let us better serve you in the future.