There are a number of metrics in Marketscape Insights for HME and Infusion that are decile rankings. The following list provides the names and locations for these metrics.
Note: images of the location of these metrics are shown below. Details of each metric are at the bottom of this article. In the following list, the metric names are links to the more detailed content.
Order Rank
- Physician Explore page
- Physician Analyze page > Utilization tab > Utilization Rank table
- Physician Analyze Page > Order Share tab > Orders Share by Organization
Diagnosis Rank
- Physician Explore page
- Physician Analyze page > Utilization tab > Utilization Rank table
- Physician Analyze Page > Order Share tab > Orders Share by Organization
Organization Contribution Rank
- Physician Analyze page > Order Share tab > Orders Share by Organization
Organization Rank
- Organization Explore page
Physician Contribution Rank
- Organize Analyze page > Order Share tab > Orders Share by Physician table
In general, whether for physicians or organizations, the higher the ranking, the more actively involved the physician or organization is in writing orders or prescriptions for HME or Infusion products or services. A ranking of "10" is better than a lower ranking.
Note: Clicking on the header of any ranking column will bring the providers with the higher ranking to the top.
Summary of Decile Ranking
In short, decile ranking is a mathematical process where we break up a specific set of data into ten categories tied to percentages of volume.
In the case of rankings in Marketscape Insights for HME, the categories are defined by the percentage of claims (connected to a specific code set) for each provider.
Let's look at a sample in the image below.
For simplicity sake, our example includes a sample of 1000 "claims" This allows us to define each decile as a "10% block" of claims, which is nice and round - 100 claims per decile. The important point here is that you can see how each decile represents a tenth of the whole.
Once we have determined the volume of orders referred or patients seen nationally for the selected code set, we divide that quantity into 10 equal portions or deciles. We then identify the fewest physicians required to fulfill a particular decile by volume, starting with the physicians with the highest order volume for the code set selected, and then assign those physicians the corresponding decile ranking in which they fall into.
Metric Details
Order Rank
Order Rank is the decile rank that represents the number of orders or prescriptions that the physician has written for one or more of the respective codes (equipment or medication) within the listed code set; decile rank of 10 represents the highest volume.
A physician with a high decile rank already prescribes a large volume, they understand the certificate of medical need (CME) process and paperwork requirements. This means less teaching and effort on your part.
Where to find the Order Rank metric
Explore page
Note: If you search for a specific physician, or sort by the Physician Name column, the table will show multiple rows for each physician to show metrics for all code sets.
Analyze Page > Utilization Tab
Note: In this table, you will see the Order Rank for the selected physician for each code set.
Analyze page > Order Share tab > Orders Share by Organization table
Notes - This table contains a list of organizations with physician metrics. Two details to remember:
- The Order Rank Metric is called "Physician's Order Rank" instead of "Order Rank" to remind you that the metric is about the physician, not the listed organization.
- The Physician's Order Rank metric for each row reflects the listed code set for the physician for all claims. The metric is not limited to claims connected to the listed organization.
- This means that the metrics you see in the Physician's Order Rank column will match other Order Rank metrics for the same physician and Code Set in other locations in Marketscape Insights for HME and Infusion.
Diagnosis Rank
Diagnosis Rank is the decile rank that represents the volume of patients the physician treats that have a diagnosis that is related to one or more of the respective codes within the code set; decile rank of 10 represents the highest volume.
For each physician, the metric is a decile rank representing the number of patients a provider cares for with a particular diagnosis that is eligible to bill HME supplies. Example: if you purchased an oxygen supply data set that included a HCPCS code of E1390. A provider with a diagnosis rank of 10, means that provider has a high volume of patients that have a diagnosis (potentially COPD) that could be used to bill oxygen supplies. If the Diagnosis Rank is high, but the Order Rank is low, this indicates a possible referral source that should be investigated.
Where to find the Diagnosis Rank metric
Explore page
Note: If you search for a specific physician, or sort by the Physician Name column, the table will show multiple rows for each physician to show metrics for all code sets.
Analyze Page > Utilization Tab
Note: In this table, you will see the Diagnosis Rank for the selected physician for each code set.
Analyze page > Order Share tab > Orders Share by Organization table
Notes - This table contains a list of organizations with physician metrics. Two details to remember:
- The Diagnosis Rank Metric is called "Physician's Diagnosis Rank" instead of "Diagnosis Rank" to remind you that the metric is about the physician, not the listed organization.
- The Physician's Diagnosis Rank metric for each row reflects the listed code set for the physician for all claims. The metric is not limited to claims connected to the listed organization.
- This means that the metrics you see in the Physician's Diagnosis Rank column will match other Diagnosis Rank metrics for the same physician and Code Set in other locations in Marketscape Insights for HME and Infusion.
Organization Contribution Rank
Organization Contribution Rank is the decile rank that represents the number of orders for the (listed) receiving organization, with a rank of 10 being the highest.
Where to find the Organization Contribution Rank
On the Physician's Analyze page, under the Order Share tab in the table "Orders Share by Organization. Note that the table is a list of organizations and the rank pertains to the selected physician.
Organization Rank
Organization Rank is the decile rank that represents the number of claims the organization filed for one or more of the respective codes (equipment or medication) within the code set; decile rank of 10 represents the highest volume.
Where to find the Organization Rank metric
On the Organizations Explore page, the metric is included in the table of organizations./
Physician Contribution Rank
Physician Contribution Rank is the decile rank that represents the number of orders or prescriptions that the physician has written for one or more of the respective codes (equipment or medication) within the code set; decile rank of 10 represents the highest volume.
Where to find the Physician Rank metric
On the Organization Analyze page, under the Order Share tab, in the Orders Share by Physician table.