Marketscape Insights for HME/INF makes it easy for you to find providers with high potential to generate sales.
Let's sum it up simply - high decile rank.
And guess what? We make it easy to find the providers with the highest rank - click on the column header.
This brings the top ranked physicians to the top of the table.
What does a high decile rank mean?
High decile number in Order rank
These providers are already ordering and filing a large patient volume of claims for HME. This physician already prescribes a large volume, they understand the certificate of medical need (CME) process and paperwork requirements. This means less teaching and effort on your part.
High decile number in Diagnoses Rank
This is a decile rank representing the number of patients a provider cares for with a particular diagnosis that is eligible to bill HME supplies. Example: if you purchased an oxygen supply data set that included a HCPCS code of E1390. A provider with a diagnosis rank of 10, means that provider has a high volume of patients that have a diagnosis (potentially COPD) that could be used to bill oxygen supplies. If the Diagnosis Rank is high, but the Order Rank is low, this indicates a possible referral source that should be investigated.