Once you have found providers of interest you will want to be able to make it easy to find them again. There are a number of useful tools designed to help.
All of these tools described in this article will create a saved group of providers.
Favorites/Targets - in each provider row there are two icons - Targets
and Favorites
. Clicking on the target icon will identify the provider as a target, and the icon will change
. Likewise, clicking on the favorite icon will identify the provider as a favorite, and the icon will look like this
. These icons are a toggle - if a provider is already identified as a target or favorite, you can click the icon again to remove the association.
In short, providers that are assigned to either of these are in a "group" of providers that you can easily identify as a target or favorite by the highlighted icon, or you can view as a group.
Toggles - the two toggles are filters. When you click the icon
next to Targets of Favorites, the toggle will change
and the table will then only show providers that are your favorites and/or targets.
Multiple Selection - If you find a number of providers that you want to assign as a favorite or target, you can click on the check boxes to the left of each provider. Once you have selected a group of providers, click on the
icon to add all chosen providers to your favorites, or click on the
icon to make them targets.
Create Custom List - If you have selected multiple providers, you can add them to a custom list by clicking on this icon
Although this image shows the Physicians table, the Organizations table works identically.
Analyze Page
All of these functions can also be done on the Analyze page for a provider. Clicking the icon below a providers name will produce the same results as on the Explore page.
Difference between Favorites and Targets
You can use the these groupings of providers any way you want. Our suggested use would be to identify providers with whom you already have a close association as Favorites, and providers you intend to target as a potential prospect, well, you get the idea.
If you have assigned a group of providers as Favorites or as Targets, use the toggle buttons at the top left of the table to show those providers in the table.
Targets provide more options
When you click on the Target icon it will open the following dialog box.
This dialog box opens when you multi-select providers and make them targets using the
This allows you to do a little bit more with your Targets than you can do with your Favorites.
Target Type
Click on the Target Type selector and choose how you want to categorize the target
Click on the Priority selector and assign a priority to the chosen Target or Targets
Add Assignee
You can assign targets to another user in your company by clicking on the checkbox to the left of the user's email address in the list.
Click "Add" to add the Target, or Targets to your list.
And, as you can see, there is a "Remove" button that will allow you to remove a group of multi-selected providers from your Targets.
Custom Lists
Custom lists allow you to create a group of providers that you can then re-use. You can create as many custom lists as you want.
Although the images below show groups of home health agencies, the tool works the same way in Marketscape Insights for HME/INF
Step One: Select your agencies
On the Explore page, click on the checkboxes next to the providers you want to add to the custom list.
Step Two: Open Add to Comparison List
Click on the icon
This will open the following dialog box:
Step Three: Create or select a comparison List
Click on the field beneath Comparison List
When the selection opens, click on Create New List
If you have an existing comparison list, it will appear in this list and you can select it to add your selected providers to that list.
Step Four: Name your new comparison list
Fill in the fields with a name you want and a description. For this example, we have created a comparison list for agencies in Montgomery county, PA.
When you have filled in the fields, click Save.
Step Five: Choose what to add
Now you choose what to add. There are two options
Use Selected NPIs - This will add the providers you selected at the beginning.
Select Top X NPIs - allows you to choose to add the top X number of entries listed in the table.
The second option would be used if you had filtered and sorted the table so the best choices for your group are at the top of the table. If you have done this, you can add the top "25" without first selecting them
Finally, click Add.
Your list is created.
Where to use your list
Explore Page
If you click on More Filters at the top of the page, you can open the "Custom Lists" filter and your new custom list will be available to be selected.
When you select your custom list and click the filter button closed, the table will include the providers in your custom list.