A reporting period is the period of time during which Trella Health looks for a precipitating claim event that generates a useful metric.
Imagine that we wanted to count how many times patients were admitted to a specific agency during the calendar year 2021. In this case, the reporting period would be one year, ending in Q4-2022. We would look at all claims that identify that a patient was admitted to our chosen agency from January 1 through December 31, 2021.
In Marketscape Insights for HME/INF, Trella Health uses an eighteen month reporting period. As we evaluated how to generate our metrics, we found that using a one-year period often didn't provide large enough results upon which to calculate meaningful metrics. Using an eighteen month reporting period allowed us to generate more meaningful metrics.
So, in Marketscape Insights for HME/INF, if the data is for Q1-2022, that means that the end of the reporting period is March 31, 2022, and the reporting period stretches back six quarters and starts with October 1, 2020 - eighteen months.